

ICERIVER 成为首个完全兼容 NiceHash 的制造商!

我们非常高兴地宣布,ICERIVER 已成为首个完全兼容 NiceHash 的制造商!这一里程碑标志着我们在为用户降低挖矿门槛并践行我们的口号“Cryptomining should be accessible to everyone”方面取得了重大进展。现在,所有 ICERIVER ASIC 设备都与 NiceHash 完全兼容,确保优化的性能和效率。 NiceHash 兼容计划旨在通过验证和确保各种挖矿设备和软件与 NiceHash 服务的完全兼容,来促进一个强大的生态系统。该计划帮助新老矿工选择能保证最佳性能和与 NiceHash 互操作性的产品。 以下 ICERIVER 设备现已完全兼容 NiceHash: ICERIVER KS5L ICERIVER KS3L ICERIVER KS3M ICERIVER KS3 ICERIVER KS2 ICERIVER KS1 ICERIVER KS0 Pro ICERIVER KS0 欲了解更多信息并购买 ICERIVER ASIC 设备,请访问ICERIVER官方网站:...


Purchasing guideEach account can purchase a maximum of 20 units.The product requires full payment, and partial payment or offline pickup is not supported.The above-mentioned retail price does not include value-added tax (if applicable). You are solely responsible for paying any taxes according to the laws...


Kaspa 是一种实现 GHOSTDAG 协议的工作量证明 (PoW) 加密货币。与传统区块链不同,GHOSTDAG 不会孤立并行创建的区块,而是允许它们共存并以共识方式对它们进行排序。Kaspa 区块链实际上是一个 blockDAG。Nakamoto 共识的这种概括允许安全操作,同时保持...

ICERIVER Attends Empower 2023

IceRiver, the world’s leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining servers, will attends Empower 2023 from March 8 to 9 in Houston,Texas, showcasing its commitment to lead a sustainable future in the mining industry. As the only bitcoin mining event with a focus on energy, Empower gathers…

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